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Artist Statement

Like everyone else, I see photographs everywhere. They come to me from the world without asking. I cannot escape them. Suddenly in this desert, a specific image touches me. What am I doing during the time I remain with it? I am living the illusion infused by the image….. In order to see such a photograph well it is best to close your eyes. Camera Lucida. Roland Barthes. 1980 

Assume for the moment, we have committed the required technical and administrative resources. What remains is the artistic element. In fact, both the technical and administrative are there to serve the artistic.

Speaking artistically all meaningful photographs, from high fashion to disturbing photojournalism, are voyeuristic. There must be something pared down, impactful and salient to capture the viewer’s attention. Something to entice her to stop and really examine the picture.

A meaningful portrait has to reveal the subject’s character and circumstances so strongly that it seems generated from within. The sitter’s essence is indivisible from the image. The image seduces the viewer to step into the subject’s shoes. Momentarily the viewer becomes that person, and “lives” the scene. In a multi-image exhibit, the cumulative effect can build on itself, thus becoming more powerful.

The process of making a portrait is each in its way is a small human drama. While nominally an image of an individual sitter, in reality it is the result of mutual energies developed between the subject and photographer. There is no way to tease apart the give and take between the two.

Emotional availability is key to success. The photographer and subject, essentially strangers, have to bridge a considerable emotional distance. The important thing is to get past the facade that the sitter came armed with. The goal is to be emotionally supportive so the subject feels “gee this isn’t so bad. I wonder why I thought this would be a difficult experience.”  The result is generated through their collaborative efforts and neither can know how the session will end. The process is by nature mysterious.



Patterson currently lives in Richmond, VA. Before becoming a professional photographer, he enjoyed a successful career in business. In addition to his photography practice he continues to be actively involved in various non-profits and family businesses.

“My primary subject matter is people usually rendered in large scale black and white prints. I often work on a contributive basis for non-profits.”

